Sunday, July 20, 2008

time flies.

It's crazy to me that I have been here for almost a month!! Time is literally flying these days. I was feeling super discouraged by a lot of the students and their lack of interest in spirituality last week, but it was the day before my last post that I asked the Lord to break my heart for what breaks His, and it wasn't until then that I really saw the brokenness here in New Zealand. He truly showed me what breaks His heart last week, but the next day, I had so many incredible conversations with people. I had 5 people ask if we could meet up again for coffee to talk about who God is and everything. My heart just about popped out of my chest! The people here are precious, that's for sure, but I just want them to be able to experience a love that is unfailing, eternal, and all-forgiving. It's sweet being here and just getting to see what it feels like to be a true missionary. Let me tell you, it's draining, and it's never the same. It seems like everyday we're doing something different, which is incredible. It's been great and challenging at the same time to talk to all of the same people everyday on campus. But to be totally honest, I love it. I have been able to create some amazing relationships with these 3 girls from Malasia named Kavitha, Laksha, and Lasina. They are super sweet girls...some of the nicest people I've met so far :) I met this guy name Asti too...he has been really fun to talk to as well, because he is just coming to know who the Lord is. This girls Kate is a religious studies major in Uni here, and she is supper intersted to hear about Christianity...she actually just asked me if we could meet up to talk more about things.

I am just learning about love. It has been an ongoing lesson since the very end of the school year. But basically I have just been trying to love people as much as my heart will let me. I have been making sure that I am not loving from an empty cup too--I have been having time each and everyday with Jesus which has been absolutely amazing. I really don't know what to tell you guys other than the fact that loving people comes so much easier if you learn to accept love from the Lord first.

What else? I know! I have been getting so close to the women especially on this trip! I love them all. It's so easy to connect to women who go through the same stuff as all of us and who don't hesitate to give encouragement. We went on our mid-project retreat this weekend which was a total blast!! We went to Island Bay and got to see these seals, and we had a picnic and walked probably close to 10 miles! Then we got back and we went out to a nice nice dinner and I had a pumpkin soup and a snapper fish with was INCREDIBLE! That's one thing I'm going to miss when I go home, is the food! And the people that play the guitar or piano or drums on the street...they're awesome. SO cool. Each day they amaze me and make my day :) Anyways, it is 12:17 AM here and I'm so tired. It's been an exhausting last couple of days with our big hike! I will update again real soon and hopefully put up some pictures so you can see what I'm up to.

I love you all and God bless each of your hearts <3


tif =] said...

AHH! I am so pumped for you. <3

Mom1234 said...

Hi linz,

glad to hear the update. sounds like all is well for you. Not much new here. Learning lots of new things for the new job at Takeda. Different systems etc.
Dad & I are still doing good. Ran into Katie W & her Mom at the book store - it made me miss you more. Continue to take care of yourself and I will see you in less than 3 weeks. Don't forget to change your ticket and come home instead of staying in LA.

Love You,

dgallo said...


Your whole trip sounds amazing. I was finally able to read everything. Keep doing what you're doing, it sounds like you're doing an awesome awesome job on it. We all miss you tons and can't wait for you to come home!

Miss and love you,

hannah said...

Lindsay it's so neat to hear about your heart for those around you and about the cool stuff God's doing in your life and in the lives of others! I'm so excited for you! I love you lots and I'm praying for you:)

Mom1234 said...

Hi Linz,

It was great to talk with you last night. I miss you even more though now. Dad said for you to take the trip to the South Island if you want & Mom says to be extra careful in the kayak and hiking, but I don't want you to miss the opportunity to see more of New Zealand. I love you and can't wait till you are home.


abeadle said...

took me awhile to comment on this one...but again, so glad everything is going so well & you are continuing to be challenged, learn new things, and help those around you! i miss you soooo much linz, you have no idea! less than two weeks, my friend:) love ya!